Luis Gispert, Graveyard
Klubbat för:
125 000-150 000 SEK
USA, född 1972
Signerad och daterad på baksidan L. Gispert -09, ed 4/6, chromogenic print, 121 x 187 cm.
Ed 6 + 2 AP
Luis Gispert skapar omsorgsfullt arrangerade fotografier. I dem tränger orelaterade saker och individer sig in och skapar bisarra tvetydigheter. I hans fotografier av vindrutor skapar han känslan av att man som betraktare sitter i förarsätet på en bil och det är inte konstigt om tankarna förs till datorspel. Karosserna är märkliga hemmabyggen med logotyper från lyxvarumärken som Burberry, Gucci och Marc Jacobs. Man ser ut över romantiserade landskap i en bling-surrealistisk värld.
Gispert skapar konst genom olika typer av media såsom fotografi, film, ljud och skulptur. I hans konst förenar han det bekanta med det okända och det normala med det marginaliserade ofta med hänvisningar till ungdomskultur, etnicitet eller konsthistoria. Han arbetar ofta med objekt som refererar till hip-hop som skivspelare, kromade fälgar eller bergsprängare. Ofta förändrar han objektens grundfunktion och de kan till exempel arbetas om till möbler.
Han har beskrivit projektet "the Graveyard"enligt följande utsago:
"The photographs from this series presented new challenges beyond the work I was making in the studio. One of the reasons for making these photos was to get out of the studio and directly engage the world. For the first year I was traveling around the United States looking for automobile tuning clubs, trying to find customized autos with unique interiors. I never knew where they would be found, sometimes months would go by before finding the right one. The work took on a new anthropologic tone as I interacted with the car tuning subculture. Once the car interior was photographed I would start thinking about the landscape, which one would go well with the automobile. The landscapes were almost always photographed much later then merged in a Photoshop. The "Graveyard" car was found deep in the southern United States in a small town near Selma Alabama. The owner of the car a construction worker, had worked on the car by himself for eight years slowly customizing every component of the car. His goal was to place twelve video monitors through out the car. In the video monitors I played Cuban films from the 1970´s and 80´s. In one of the monitors you can read graffiti on a wall that say"nosotros tambien podemos tener un Buick", meaning "we can also own a Buick!" An ironic statement made by the film "Polvo Rojo" that is very critical of America. The landscape is the vast Brooklyn Green Wood cemetery with Manhattan behind it. People like Jean-Michel Basquiat, Louis Comfort Tiffany, and Theodore Roosevelt were laid to rest there. To make the photograph was very difficult with a large format camera on a auto traffic bridge with no area for pedestrians. I had to illegally park on the side of the bridge and set up my camera, as big trucks and angry drivers flew buy honking their horns, but this was the easy part. The problem was that with sunset light I had to hold long exposures, and any movement would ruin the shot. Every time a large truck would drive by the bridge would bounce like a bed under me, so I had to time my exposures right before or after a truck would pass. Miraculously I got the shot, as I only had 30 mins of light and a limited amount of sheet film".