
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 41

Ortiz on the Jesuit mission in the Pacific

Ortiz on the Jesuit mission in the Pacific

On the kingdom of Macassar in India (Celebes)

On the kingdom of Macassar in India (Celebes)

On the Jesuit Madure mission in India

On the Jesuit Madure mission in India

Niecamp´s Histoire de la mission Danoise... 1745

Niecamp´s Histoire de la mission Danoise... 1745

Niecamp´s Histoire des... Indes Orientalis

Niecamp´s Histoire des... Indes Orientalis

Pimenta about Goa printed in 1601

Pimenta about Goa printed in 1601

A missionary´s handbook to India, by Tosi 1676

A missionary´s handbook to India, by Tosi 1676

Il viaggio all´Indie Orientali 1678

Il viaggio all´Indie Orientali 1678

On Egypt by Murthada Ibn al-Khalif 1666

On Egypt by Murthada Ibn al-Khalif 1666

An early American embassy to the East

An early American embassy to the East

Ruschenberger´s A voyage round the World 1838

Ruschenberger´s A voyage round the World 1838

Rare work on Siberia, Georgia, Kasan and Astracan

Rare work on Siberia, Georgia, Kasan and Astracan