
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 20

Rapin de Thoyras´ History of England 1732-47

Rapin de Thoyras´ History of England 1732-47

Xavier´s Historia Christi Persicae 1639 and more

Xavier´s Historia Christi Persicae 1639 and more

Buchner´s Theoria et praxis artilleriae

Buchner´s Theoria et praxis artilleriae

Hoyers uncommon encyclopaedia of artillery 1804-12

Hoyers uncommon encyclopaedia of artillery 1804-12

Memoirs by Comte de Saxe 1757

Memoirs by Comte de Saxe 1757

Pimenta about Goa printed in 1601

Pimenta about Goa printed in 1601

Dalrymple´s Voyages dans la Mer du Sud... 1774

Dalrymple´s Voyages dans la Mer du Sud... 1774

Sven Hedin in Tibet 1906-08

Sven Hedin in Tibet 1906-08

On the kingdom of Macassar in India (Celebes)

On the kingdom of Macassar in India (Celebes)

A missionary´s handbook to India, by Tosi 1676

A missionary´s handbook to India, by Tosi 1676

Rabot´s Spitsberg Escale Polaire 1935

Rabot´s Spitsberg Escale Polaire 1935

An early American embassy to the East

An early American embassy to the East