
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter

Fine copy of Rudbeck´s Atlantica 1679

Fine copy of Rudbeck´s Atlantica 1679

Pufendorfs 17th c. magnificent plate-work

Pufendorfs 17th c. magnificent plate-work

Lohenstein on Peter the Great of Russia

Lohenstein on Peter the Great of Russia

Göranssons Bautil 1750

Göranssons Bautil 1750

Petrejus on the principality of Moscow 1620

Petrejus on the principality of Moscow 1620

Sandford´s Genealogical History 1707

Sandford´s Genealogical History 1707

Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademiens handlingar m.m.

Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademiens handlingar m.m.

Rudbecks Atlantica I-II, IV 1679-89, 1863

Rudbecks Atlantica I-II, IV 1679-89, 1863

Zeiler, the Swedish empire in 17th century

Zeiler, the Swedish empire in 17th century

Verelius om runor i Sverige 1675

Verelius om runor i Sverige 1675

La Pise: Tableau de l´histoire... d´Orange

La Pise: Tableau de l´histoire... d´Orange

Nordberg, Leben Carl des zwölften, 1751 3 vol

Nordberg, Leben Carl des zwölften, 1751 3 vol