
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 2

Thunbergs Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia

Thunbergs Resa uti Europa, Africa, Asia

Höst about Marocko and Fes printed 1779

Höst about Marocko and Fes printed 1779

Embassy to China by the Dutch East India Company

Embassy to China by the Dutch East India Company

Chardin´s Travels in Persia 1687

Chardin´s Travels in Persia 1687

Olearius´ Voyage en Moscovcie, Tartarie, et Perse

Olearius´ Voyage en Moscovcie, Tartarie, et Perse

Fortis´ Voyage en Dalmatie 1778

Fortis´ Voyage en Dalmatie 1778

Knox: A New Collection of Voyages 1767

Knox: A New Collection of Voyages 1767

Chappe d´Auteroche A Journey into Siberia 1770

Chappe d´Auteroche A Journey into Siberia 1770

Catlin, Nord-Amerikas indianer 1848

Catlin, Nord-Amerikas indianer 1848

Mackenzie, Travels in the Island of Iceland 1812

Mackenzie, Travels in the Island of Iceland 1812

Interesting account of Siberia - Kamtchatka

Interesting account of Siberia - Kamtchatka

Tavernier´s Les six voyages Paris 1713

Tavernier´s Les six voyages Paris 1713