Autores historiae ecclesiasticae 1523
Klubbat belopp | 4400 SEK |
Utropspris | 6 000-8 000 SEK |
Autores historiae ecclesiasticae. Eusebij Pamphili Caesariensis Libri 9. Ruffino interprete. Ruffini Presbyteri Aquileiensis, libro duo. Recogniti ad antiqua exemplaria Latina per Beat. Rhenanum. Item ex Theodorito Episcopo Cyrensi, Sozomeno, & Socrate Costantinopolitano libri 12. versi ab Epiphanio Scholastico, adbreuiati per Cassiodorum Senatorem. unde illis tripartitae historiae vocabulum... Basilea (Basel, Johan Froben, apud inclytam Basileam) 1523.
Folio (c. 288x206 mm.). (12), (1)-636, (60) pp. Title, page 636 and last leaf with woodcut printer´s device, 1 page with woodcut figurative border and woodcut initials by Urs Graf and Hans Holbein. Partly dampstained in outer margin, some foxing. Contemporary marginal annotations and some underlinings. VD16, E4273.
Io. Frobenius pio lectori S.D. En optime lector, rarum damus thesaurum, & nihil non nouum, D. Erasmi Roteradami praefationem ad nuper electum pontificiem Romanum Adrianum huius nominis sextum. Arnobij Afri, commentarios, pios iuxta ac eruditos in omnes psalmos, sermone Latino, sed tum apud Afros vulgari, per Erasmum Roterodamum proditos & emendatos. D. Erasmi Roterod. commentarium in psalmum: Quare fremuerunt gentes... Basilae (Basel, ex aedibus Io. Frobe.) 1522.
Folio (c. 288x206 mm.). (12), (1)-265 (i.g. 275), (1) pp. Title, leaf signed a2 and leaf signed b1 within figurative woodcut borders, last leaf with woodcut printer´s device, woodcut initials. Partly dampstained in outer margin, some foxing. Contemporary marginal annotations and underlinings. VD16, B3130.
Contemporary half blindtooled pigskin over wooden boards, somewhat worn, brass fittings (lacks clasps and stripes), spine in five compartments with manuscript title in upper compartment, manuscript title also on front edge. Remnants of old manuscript on vellum at the hinges. Long contemporary or old annotations on inside of upper board, also old mounted catalogue cut and the library stamp of Roman Kaczmar.
The first work is the first edition of a collection of Greek church fathers, edited by Beatus Rhenanus.
From the library of Roman Kaczmar.