
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 17

On Chinese minerals, mountains and caves 1839

On Chinese minerals, mountains and caves 1839

Biurman´s rare map of Finland St. Petersburg 1745

Biurman´s rare map of Finland St. Petersburg 1745

Haoh Kjöh Tschwen, Chinese 17th c. novel

Haoh Kjöh Tschwen, Chinese 17th c. novel

Autores historiae ecclesiasticae 1523

Autores historiae ecclesiasticae 1523


Scholanders "arbetsbok" text, musik, teckningar

Grammar of the Tibetan language 1834

Grammar of the Tibetan language 1834

Dictionary of Amoy + Supplement 1873-1923

Dictionary of Amoy + Supplement 1873-1923

Translation of novel 35 of the Jingu qiguan

Translation of novel 35 of the Jingu qiguan

Rudolf von Ems Weltchronik facsimile of manuscript

Rudolf von Ems Weltchronik facsimile of manuscript

Samosate with woodcuts by Henri Laurens 1947

Samosate with woodcuts by Henri Laurens 1947

Holinshed on Scottish history 1577

Holinshed on Scottish history 1577

Martini Historia om thet tartariske krijget 1674

Martini Historia om thet tartariske krijget 1674