
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 19

Castro´s Patauine praelectiones 1553

Castro´s Patauine praelectiones 1553

Gropper´s Hauptartikell... 1547

Gropper´s Hauptartikell... 1547

Platina De vita et moribus 1529

Platina De vita et moribus 1529

Aldus press Venice 1518 bound by Rivière

Aldus press Venice 1518 bound by Rivière

Fine Scottish binding printed 1774

Fine Scottish binding printed 1774

A winter in Lapland and Sweden 1827 with plates

A winter in Lapland and Sweden 1827 with plates

Nollet´s L´Art des expériences with 56 plates 1770

Nollet´s L´Art des expériences with 56 plates 1770

Böhme svensk översättning i manuskript ca 1795

Böhme svensk översättning i manuskript ca 1795

Antique astronomy Heidelberg 1589

Antique astronomy Heidelberg 1589

Lactantius (Opera)... 1521

Lactantius (Opera)... 1521

Dano Olive D´Orange 1931 pochoir coloured plates

Dano Olive D´Orange 1931 pochoir coloured plates

Baikhuizen on Art Deco pattern designs 1928

Baikhuizen on Art Deco pattern designs 1928