
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 22

Lesser Testaceo-Theologia with plates of molluscs

Lesser Testaceo-Theologia with plates of molluscs

Pantographia, copies of all the known alphabets

Pantographia, copies of all the known alphabets

Karl Marx on the Arrow case

Karl Marx on the Arrow case

Moréri´s large historical dictionary 1681

Moréri´s large historical dictionary 1681

Duret´s history of languages 1619

Duret´s history of languages 1619

Resemblance of Chinese script to hieroglyphes

Resemblance of Chinese script to hieroglyphes

Hegel´s lectures on the history of philosophy

Hegel´s lectures on the history of philosophy

The Lord´s Prayer in the Chinese languge

The Lord´s Prayer in the Chinese languge

Muret on Rites of funeral 1683

Muret on Rites of funeral 1683

China missionaries

China missionaries

Gingell The Ceremonial usages of the Chinese 1852

Gingell The Ceremonial usages of the Chinese 1852

The Royal Chinese junk

The Royal Chinese junk "Keying"