
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 28

Smith on China and the Chinese 1863

Smith on China and the Chinese 1863

Scott´s imprisonment in China 1841

Scott´s imprisonment in China 1841

Stuck´s Verzeichnis... geographischen Litteratur

Stuck´s Verzeichnis... geographischen Litteratur

Julien on the Three character classic 1864

Julien on the Three character classic 1864

Pauthier: A Syro-Chinese inscription at Si-ngan-fo

Pauthier: A Syro-Chinese inscription at Si-ngan-fo

Extract on the origin of Tibetan style (type)

Extract on the origin of Tibetan style (type)

Schott on Chinese poetry 1857

Schott on Chinese poetry 1857

Spitzel´s Felix Litaratus 1676

Spitzel´s Felix Litaratus 1676

Bibliothéque des artistes et des amateurs II:2

Bibliothéque des artistes et des amateurs II:2

Beccari on Chinese commerce 1869

Beccari on Chinese commerce 1869

Pauw´s attacks on everything Chinese 1773

Pauw´s attacks on everything Chinese 1773

Cluver´s Introductionis in universam geographiam

Cluver´s Introductionis in universam geographiam