
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 4

Kéroulée in China 1860-1861

Kéroulée in China 1860-1861

Argens Chinese Letters 1741

Argens Chinese Letters 1741

Björnståhl´s Travels in Europe and Turkey

Björnståhl´s Travels in Europe and Turkey

Butel-Dumont´s Journées mogoles 1772

Butel-Dumont´s Journées mogoles 1772

Finlayson on Siam and Cochin China 1821-22

Finlayson on Siam and Cochin China 1821-22

Travels by Holmes, Ellis, and Hall 5 vols.

Travels by Holmes, Ellis, and Hall 5 vols.

La Flotte on Indian history 1769

La Flotte on Indian history 1769

Le Comte´s travels in China late 17th century

Le Comte´s travels in China late 17th century

Milne´s Life in China in French transl. 1858

Milne´s Life in China in French transl. 1858

Le Comte on the Empire of China 1738.

Le Comte on the Empire of China 1738.

Ricci L´histoire de l´expedition... de la Chine

Ricci L´histoire de l´expedition... de la Chine

Foy de la Neuville on Russia 1699

Foy de la Neuville on Russia 1699