
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter - Page 5

Cronstedt Beskrifning kakelugnar 1767

Cronstedt Beskrifning kakelugnar 1767

Egerins kokbok 1737

Egerins kokbok 1737

The Apollo program - 4 manuals and books 1969-71

The Apollo program - 4 manuals and books 1969-71

Gradual leaf, Italy, late 15th century

Gradual leaf, Italy, late 15th century

With original lithos by Picasso

With original lithos by Picasso

Rare war map regarding the Russian War by Lange

Rare war map regarding the Russian War by Lange

Alban Berg dedication copy of printed music

Alban Berg dedication copy of printed music

Skjöldebrands Voyage pittoresque au Cap Nord

Skjöldebrands Voyage pittoresque au Cap Nord

Prevost 3 volumes on China, Tibet, Tartary etc.

Prevost 3 volumes on China, Tibet, Tartary etc.

Hülphers om Norrland i sidenband

Hülphers om Norrland i sidenband

Jan Johanssons Signerier med originalteckningar

Jan Johanssons Signerier med originalteckningar

Henckel on minerals and mining

Henckel on minerals and mining