Medicine - Magati, Marggraf and Tralles 3 vol.
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6 000-7 000 SEK
MEDICINE (3). Three works on medicine.
MAGATI (MAGAT), CEASAR. De rara medicatione vulnerum seu de vulneribus raro tractandis, libri duo. Accessit huic editione J. B. Magati tractus, quo rara vulnerum curatio defenditur contra Sennertum. I-II. Veneice, J. J. Hertz, 1676.
Folio. (345x250 mm). (4) ll., 178 pp., (9), (2) ll., 172 pp., (8) ll. (last blank). With 2 printer's device in woodcut. Title in red and black. Text in two columns.
Later paper boards, spotted, spine with damages, upper board with some worming. Text foxed, some notes in pencil on first free endpaper.
Wellcome IV, 23 (A. 1733). Second edition of Magati's work on the treatment of wounds, first published in Venice in 1616, 2 parts in 1 vol., with separate title page to the second part. Magati was one of the most important surgeons at the end of the 16th and beginning of the 17th century. The second part mainly deals with wounds of the nerves and head.
MARGGRAF, CHRISTIAN. Materia medica contracta, exhibens simplicia & composita medicamenta officinalia ex magno numero selecta. Leiden, A. Doude, 1674. Kl.-4to (200x155 mm.). With title vignette in woodcut. (4) ll., 252 pp. - Bound first: MARGGRAF, C. Prodromus medicinae practicae dogmaticae & vere rationalis. Superstructae circulari sanguinis motui, nec non principiis chemicis ac hypothesi Helmontianae & Sylvianae. Ed. secundo priori longe auctior & indice rerum instructa. Leiden, C. Boutesteijn, 1685.
With engraved title. (13) ll., 173 pp. (3) ll.
Contemporary vellum with 18th century gilt leather spine, partly worn and soiled, slightly warped boards. Partly browned and spotted. First work partly dampstained to margins in the beginning. Partly loose in binding.
Wellcome IV, 53. First edition.
TRALLES, BALTHASAR LUDWIG. Virium, quae terreis remediis gratis hactenus adscriptae sunt, examen rigorosius. Praemittitur operi dissertatio de frequenti fatuorum remediorum in praxi quotidiana usu eiusque causis potioribus. Breslau - Leipzig, Hubertus, 1740.
4to (215x170 mm.). (8) ll., 52, 484 pp., (6) ll.
Contemporary full calf binding, partly worn and rubbed, damages to upper part of spine and corners, split outer hinges. Partly spotted or stained, sometimes more, some dampstains to upper margin in the beginning.
First edition.