
Böcker, Kartor & Handskrifter

Two works on Nobel Oil 1909

Two works on Nobel Oil 1909

Bellin´s map of Haiti and the Caribbean islands

Bellin´s map of Haiti and the Caribbean islands

Acerbi´s travels in Sweden, Finland, and Lapland

Acerbi´s travels in Sweden, Finland, and Lapland

De Borch Letters sur la Sicile 2 vols

De Borch Letters sur la Sicile 2 vols

Ehrensvärds klassiska resa till Italien 1819

Ehrensvärds klassiska resa till Italien 1819

Thomas Shaw´s Travels to North Africa 1738

Thomas Shaw´s Travels to North Africa 1738

Barbot´s description of the coasts of Guina 1746

Barbot´s description of the coasts of Guina 1746

Valentia´s Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea

Valentia´s Travels to India, Ceylon, the Red Sea

Osbeck Dagbok öfver en Ostindisk resa tryckt 1757

Osbeck Dagbok öfver en Ostindisk resa tryckt 1757

Henry Angelo extra illustrated 6 volumes

Henry Angelo extra illustrated 6 volumes

An Account of the Nile by Scortia Lyon 1617

An Account of the Nile by Scortia Lyon 1617

Travels in the Island of Iceland by Mackenzie 1812

Travels in the Island of Iceland by Mackenzie 1812