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Kungliga dop, festivalbok.

Kungliga dop, festivalbok.
Kungliga dop, festivalbok.

Klubbat för:

7 000 SEK


10 000 SEK


PLANSCHVERK. - ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. (ASSUM, JOHANN AUGUSTIN). Warhaffte Relation vnd historischer, politischer, höfflicher Discours vber dess ... Herren Johann Friderichen, Hertzogen zu Würtemberg vnd Teck, &c. Graven zu Mümpelgart, &c. Herren zu Heydenheimb, &c. J. F. Gn. jungen Sohns Printz Friderichen angestelter vnd gehaltner, christlicher vnd fürstlicher Kind Tauff: Sampt darbey begangnem vnd glücklich vollendtem fürstlichem ritterlichem Frewden Fest zu Stuttgardten: Den &c. Martij, Anno 1616. : Auff J. F. Gn. gnädigen Bevehl, verfertiget durch Philopatrida Charitinum. U.o. (Stuttgart, Johann Weyrich Rösslin - Johann Alexander Cellio) 1616.
Oblong folio. (4), 1-40, 1-62, 61-62 (lacks p. 63) pp. Title printed in red and black (mended and damaged in the margins with loss of part of frame), 3 engraved titles, 71 engraved plates (not complete, should probably be 78, all cut and mounted, 2 defective, some other minor damages, some foxing and dampstaining. Later (late 19th century) brown calf, worn, lacks spine. Text partly dampstained in lower inner margin or upper margin, about 10 leaves mended, some other spotting and foxing.


Not complete, Sold as a collection of plates not subject to return.



