Den franska upplysningens viktigaste roman
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ROUSSEAU, J. J. (4). La nouvelle Héloise, ou lettres de deux amans... Nouvelle edition... I-IV. A Neuchatel, et se trouve a Paris (chez Duchesne) 1764.
Large 8:o. (3), iv, (1)-454, (4), (1)-478, (4), (1)-504, (4), (1)-431, (1), (3), 4-32 pp. Engraved frontispiece C. N. Cochin, 12 engraved plates after Gravelot (all, minor foxing).
Contemporary mottled calf, somewhat worn, gilt borders, gilt edges of covers, some small cracks or wormholes in the joints, slightly faded richly gilt spines, some minor damages at head and foot, marbled edges. Some minor spotting. Bookplate of C. A. and V. Baldwin. 4 volumes.
From the library of professor Torsten Husén.