From the library of Henry Mayer, Comédie Francaise
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1. DAUDET, ALPHONSE- BELOT, ADOLPHE. Sapho. Pièce en cinq actes tirée du roman de Alphonse Daudet. Paris (G. Charpentier et E. Fasquelle) 1893.
Large 8:o. Original wrappers (some spotting).
Contemporary vellum, some soiling. First edition.
Extra withbound or losely inserted paper cuts of reviews from theatre performences with Mayer as an actor.
Also withbound an invitation to the funeral of Daudet in 1897, and losely inserted an ALS (autograph letter signed) from Daudets widow to Mayer 1911.
2. LAVEDAN, HENRI. Le prince d´Aurec. Comédie en trois actes. Paris (Calmann Lévy, éditeur, a la Librairie Nouvelle) 1894.
Large 8:o. Original wrappers.
Near contemporary brown full calf, somewhat worn, gilt borders, gilt inner borders, gilt edges of covers, slightly faded gilt spine in six compartments, upper edge gilt. Dedicated to Mayer on halftitle. First edition.
Extra withbound or losely inserted an invitation for Mayer by the prince and princess d´Aurac, a menu from "Théatre de Vaudeville" 1892, theatre programs, photos of Mayer from a performance, paper cuts of reviews from theatre performences with Mayer as an actor, an ALS from Lavedan 1929, and some other items.
3.GONCOURT, EDMOND DE. Manette Salomon.Pièce en neuf tableaux... tirée du roman d´Edmond et Jules de Goncourt. Paris (G. Charpentier et E. Fasquelle) 1896.
Large 8:o. Original wrappers.
Bound as number 2, upper cover detached, defective spine. Dedicated to Mayer on halftitle. First edtion.
Extra withbound or losely inserted an invitation to the funeral of de Goncourt in 1896, theatre programs, photos of Mayer from a performance, paper cuts of reviews from theatre performences with Mayer as an actor, 3 pencil drawings of Mayer acting ALS from de Goncourt 1896, and some other items.
All three books with bookplate of the Swedish book collector Evert Fredriksson.
Henry Mayer (1857-1941), French acctor, made his debut at the "Théâtre du Vaudeville" in 1883, later a leading member and partner (sociétaire) from 1905-1922 of the "Comédie-Francaise", honorary sociétaire in 1923.