Histoire militaire de Charles XII
Klubbat belopp | 2 800 SEK |
Utropspris | 3 000 SEK |
KARL XII. (4). ADLERFELD, GUSTAV. (4). Histoire militaire de Charles XII roi de Suede, depuis l´an 1700, jusqu´a la bataille de Pultowa en 1709, écrite par ordre de sa majesté. I-IV. Amsterdam (J. Wetstein & G. Smith) 1740.
Small 8vo. 4 titles in red and black with engraved vignette, 6 large folding engraved plates (minor foxing, engraved portrait missing as usual).
Contemporary vellum, handwritten title on spine, partly spotted, speckled edges. Pencil notes on inside of cover on vol. I, minor foxing, minor dampstaining. Bookplate ´von Thümpling´sche Fidekommissbibliothek´, Jena, 1 modern bookplate Kristofer Enckell. 4 vols.
Warmholtz 5542.
Gustav Adlerfeld (1671-1709), followed as an courtier Charles XII´s campaigns from 1701 and was killed in action at Poltava 1709. On the kings order he prepared a journal over the campaign events. His son Karl Maximilian Johan Adlerfelt edited and completed the manuscript after the Russians had handed it over soon after Poltava. It was published even in German and English the same year as the French edition, and counts as one of the most relevant sources over the campaigns of Charles XII.
Collation: (2), (6), vii-xxix, (1 blank), (1)-434, (2), (1)-527 [ie. 627], (2), (1)- 547, (2), (1)-240 pp.