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On the imperial diet in Speyr 1529

On the imperial diet in Speyr 1529
On the imperial diet in Speyr 1529

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Der durchleüchtigisten, durchleuchtigen, hochgepornen Fursten und Herrn, Herrn Johansen Hertzogen zu Sachsen ..., Herrn Georgen Marggrafen zu Brandenburg ... [et al.] andre und endtliche Protestation auff dem jungstgehalten Reichsstage zu Speyr wider den ersten Artickel desselben fürgenommen Abschids, unsern hailigen Glauben, dasselben Religion oder Ceremonien belangend, gethon... No place or printer (Augsburg, Heinrich Steiner) 1529.
Small 4:o. (10) ll.
Later (20th century) blank wrappers. 3 leaves with large brownspot in lower margin.

On 25 April 1529, Lutheran representatives at the Second Diet of Speyer issued a letter of protest against the decisions of the Diet´s Roman Catholic majority to enforce the Edict of Worms and prohibit further reformation in the Holy Roman Empire.This diet is where the term "Protestant" was coined.
From the library of Eivind Hassler.




