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Rare medical work

Rare medical work
Rare medical work
Rare medical work
Rare medical work

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2 200 SEK


4 000 SEK


PLACITUS PAPYRIENSIS, SEXTUS. Artzney Buch Sexti Platonici philosophi, Von Vöglen, wilden uns zamen Thieren, wie man dieselb in der artzney für allerhandt kranckheiten brauchen sol, gantz lustig, nutzlich unnd gut gemeinen hauszhaltern, auch allen liebhabern der artzney, zu lesen und zu wissen. Jetzt erstmals verteucht durch Georgen Henich von Bartfeld. Basel (Peter Perna) 1574.

Small 8:o. (14, probably lacking last blank leaf), 1-500 (irregular pagination, bound in wrong order pp. 178-193, lacks pp. 412-413), (13, last page blank) pp.
Later (18th century) half vellum, somewhat worn, new inner doublures and endpapers, speckled edges. Title laid down and with small holes and loss of a few letters. Leaf signed (:)ii mended in outer margin. 7 leaves mended in upper margin. First 3 leaves after title with some dampstaining, otherwise some marginal dampstaining, some, mostly marginal, foxing. Rare.

Sextus Placitus of Palmyra (active around 370 AD), a Roman physician, wrote fanciful descriptions of medicines derived from animals etc. (Wikipedia).




