On fortification and other military things
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CAT(T)ANEO, GIROLAMO. Nuovo ragionamento del fabricare le fortezze, si per prattica, come per theorica... Brescia (appresso Gio. Francesco, et Pietro Maria, fratelli de´ Marchetti) 1571.
4:o (215x152 mm.). (4), 1-35 (including one folding woodcut plate, leaf 33 signed K3). Woodcut schematical and other illustrations. Title with woodcut printer´s device. Throughout dampstained in upper part (1/3 of the side). Some contemporary marginal annotations and underlinings to text. Contemporary signatures on title. BOUND WITH:
CAT(T)ANEO, GIROLAMO. Modo di formare con prestezza le moderne battaglie di picche, archibugieri, et cavalleria, con tre avisi del modi del marchiare, in modo di dialogo. Di nuovo dato in luce... Brescia (appresso Gio. Francesco, et Pietro Maria, fratelli de´ Marchetti) 1571.
4:o (215x152 mm.). (4), 30 (including three woodcut folding plates, leaf 16, 20, and 23, signed D4, E3, and F1), (1). Woodcut schematical and other illustrations. Title with woodcut printer´s device. Throughout dampstained in upper part (1/3 of the side). Some contemporary marginal annotations and underlinings to text.
Contemporary soft vellum, worn and spotted. Signature "exlibris Antonij Franciscu Rubei Mediolanensis" on first endpaper. Photo.
Girolamo Cat(t)anei (before 1540 - after 1584). Italian military architect and scientist from Novara, settled in Brescia in 1550, where he taught military matters. He was consulted by the Grandee of Spain and Viceroy of Navarre and Valencia, Duke of Sabbioneta, Vespasiano Gonzaga, regarding the transformation of the fortress of Sabbioneta into a town.