Ragna Berlin oljemålning
Klubbat för:
25 000 SEK
BERLIN, Ragna (född 1958): Untitled, signerad och daterad Ragna berlin -98, olja på duk, 240x210 cm
In a certain sense every exhibition is a performance formed by the place, the time, the works (or actors) and the beholders. When the exhibition is over, the particular experience offered by the specific compilation of the works disappears. This applies all the more in a situation where the artist has created directly for the room and the context in which the work is being shown, as is the case with Ragna Berlin´s installation in the sculpture hall at Liljevalchs. In a very concrete fashion, she has taken the architecture of the venue as a starting point and has formulated an sensuous and playful alternative to the strict order in both the classicist and modernist traditions. Ragna Berlin makes use of organic elements that rub against and exceed boundaries, both between artistic genres and between what is seen as feminine or masculine. In her exhibition, the works and the room fuse and the various elements - both fixed and temporary - create a whole, while also emphasising each other´s individual characteristics.
Niclas Östlind, 2005