Important mathematical work by Lagrange
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LAGRANGE, J. L. "Lecons su le calcul des fonctions", published in: "Journal de l´École Polytechnique", publié par Le conseil d´Instruction et Administration de cet établissement. Douzième cahier. Tome V. Paris (de l´Imprimerie Impériale) Thermidor an XII (1801).
4:o. (4), (19-324 pp.
Uncut in contemporary defective grey wrapper, upper loose, lacking spine. Some marginal wearing. Some dampstaining in inner margin. A few leaves browned. Some minor foxing.
First edition of this important mathematical work, later published as a book in 1806 with two complementary lectures on the calculus of variations.
It can be regarded as a commentary on and a supplement to Lagranges main work from 1797 "Théorie des fonctions analytiques...".