Basil Fabri´s famous Thesaurus 1710
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FABRI, BASIL. Thesaurus eruditionis scholasticae post aliorum inprimis CLL. virr. Augusti Buchneri et Christophori Cellarii iteratas operas iam accedentibus novis eiusdem Cellarii nec non Cl. Ioannis Georgii Graevii notis et observationibus postumis... additionibus et curis indiceque Germanico-Latino... Lipsiae (apud Thomam Fritsch) 1710.
Folio (363x240 mm.). (8) ll., column 1-2650, (182) pp. Title with woodcut vignette.
Contemporary vellum, somewhat worn and soiled. Halftitle with cut out and partly erased signatures. A few marginal tears. 1 leaf with burnhole in lower margin. Minor foxing. A few marginal annotations.
Basil Faber (1520 - 1576), Lutheran schoolmaster and theologian, was born at Sorau, in lower Lusatia. In 1538 he entered the University of Wittenberg, studying as pauper gratis under Melanchthon. He became successively rector of the schools at Nordhausen, Tennstadt (1555), Magdeburg (1557) and Quedlin - burg (1560). From this last post he was removed in December 1570 as a Crypto - Calvinist. In 1571 he was appointed to the Raths - gymnasium at Erfurt, not as rector, but as director (Vorsteher). His translation of the first twenty - five chapters of Luther´s commentary on Genesis was published in 1557, in other ways he promoted the spread of Lutheran views. He was a contributor to the first four of the Magdeburg Centuries. He is best known by this Thesaurus Eruditionis Scholasticae (first published in 1571). It is essentially a Latin dictionary/encyclopedia for German readers, and it served for over 200 years as a primary tool in a German classical education.
In general usage, a thesaurus is a reference work that lists words grouped together according to similarity of meaning (containing synonyms and sometimes antonyms), in contrast to a dictionary, which provides definitions for words, and generally lists them in alphabetical order.
Provenance: The von Celsing family, Biby.
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