Richelet´s groundbreaking French dictionary 1728
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FRENCH DICTIONARY (6). RICHELET, PIERRE. Dictionnaire de la langue françoise, ancienne et moderne,... augmenté de plusieurs additions d´histoire, de grammaire, de critique, de jurisprudence, et d´un nouvel abregé de la vie des auteurs citez dans tout l´ouvrage. I-III. Lyon (chez les freres Bruyset) 1728.
Folio (376x250 mm.).
Contemporary brown full calf, worn, blindtooled and darkened spines in seven compartments, vol. I-II damaged at head, speckled edges. 2 leaves reinforced with paper in outer margin, pp. 251-54 in vol. I bound in wrong order, pp. 291-368 in vol. I with larger dampstain in upper outer margin, a few marginal tears, about 10 leaves witrh larger spots or stains, otherwise some minor foxing and staining.
RICHELET, PIERRE. (3). Dictionnaire de la langue françoise ancienne et moderne de Pierre Richelet, augmenté de plusieurs remarques importantes sur la langue Françoise, additions d´histoire, de grammaire, de critique, de jurisprudence, et d´une liste alphabétique des auteurs et des livres citez dans ce dictionnaire. Nouvelle edition corrigée & augmentée d´un grand nombre d´articles. I-III. Paris (aux dépens de la Compagnie) 1740.
Folio (353x220 mm.). Titles printed in red and black.
Uncut in contemporary grey wrappers, worn, some staining, damaged spines. Some marginal dampstaining, minor foxing. 6 volumes.
César-Pierre Richelet (1626-1698), French grammarian and lexicographer, editor of the first dictionary of the French language, the first French dictionary compiled in a methodical way, first published in Geneva 1680.
Later editions of Richelet were published, both expurgated and augmented. Those that appeared after his death are distinguished by that of Pierre Aubert (Lyon, 1728, 3 vol. in-fol.) and that of Goujet (Ibid., 1759-63, 3 vol. in-fol.). Later editions were abridged such as that of Gattel (Paris, 1842, 2 vol. in-8). (Wikipedia.)
Provenance: The von Celsing family, Biby.
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