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Biography (memoires?) of the duke of Sully

Biography (memoires?) of the duke of Sully
Biography (memoires?) of the duke of Sully

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BIOGRAPHY (8). (L´ECLUSE DES LOGES, PIERRE MATHURIN DE), M.L.D.L.D.L. Memoires de Maximilien de Bethune, duc de Sully, principal ministre de Henry le Grand... Nouvelle edition, revûe & corrigée. I-VIII. Londres 1752.

12:o. Titles printed in red and black. (Lacks the 2 engraved portraits in vol. I.)
Later (mid 19th century) brown half calf, gilt spines, speckled edges. Pages 381-426 in vol. IV dampstained in upper outer corner. Minor foxing. 8 volumes.

Maximilien de Béthune, first Duke of Sully (1560-1641), soldier, French minister, staunch Huguenot (Protestant) and faithful right - hand man who assisted king Henry IV of France in the rule of France. Historians emphasize Sully´s role in building a strong centralized administrative system in France using coercion and highly effective new administrative techniques. His policies were not original, and most were reversed. Historians have also studied his neo - Stoicism and his ideas about virtue, prudence, and discipline. (Wikipedia).

Provenance: The von Celsing family, Biby.


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