First edition of Mallet´s Danish history 1755
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DANISH HISTORY (4). MALLET, (PAUL HENRI DE). Introduction a l´histoire de Dannemarc, ou l´on traite de la religion, des loix, des moeurs & des usages des anciens Danois. Copenhague (de l´imprimerie des Héritiers de Berling, par L. H. Lillie) 1755.
4:o. (6), (1)-12, (2), (1)-256 pp. Title printed in red and black with engraved vignette (lacks engraved frontispiece portrait and engraved folding map).
Contemporary blue paper boards, red edges. Bookplate. First edition. +
MALLET, (PAUL HENRI DE). Histoire de Dannemarc,... I-III. Copenhague (chez les Fréres C. & A. Philibert - C. Philibert) 1758-77.
4:o. (8), (1)-451, (4), (3), 4-480, (3), 4-488 pp. 1 title printed in red and black with engraved vignette.
Contemporary blue paper boards, somewhat worn, red edges. Minor foxing. Bookplate. First edition. 4 volumes.
Provenance: The von Celsing family, Biby.
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