Serionne´s principal work, against the physiocrats
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ECONOMICS (2). (ACCARIAS DE SERIONNE, J.). Les intérêts des nations de l´Europe, dévélopés relativement au commerce. I-II. Leide (chez Elie Luzac) 1766.
4:o. (248x192 mm.). (8, lacks half title), (1)-434, (4, lacks half title), (1)-387, (1 blank) pp. 2 titles printed in red and black.
Later (mid 19th century) green half cloth, redspeckled edges. Some foxing, about 10 leaves harder. 2 volumes.
Jacques Accarias de Serionne (1706-1792?), French journalist and economist. The present work counts as his most important. He turns down the physiocratic theories of production and taxation and also rejects the argument that the population of France is diminishing rapidly, and strongly believes that the discovery of America had stimulated European agriculture and industry.
Provenance: The von Celsing family, Biby.
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