Huxham on fevers
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HUXHAM, JOHN. (2). An Essay on Fevers And their Various Kinds, As depending on Different Constitutions of the Blood: with Dissertations on Slow Nervous Fevers, on Putrid, Pestilential, Spotted Fevers, on the Small-Pox, and on Pleurisies and Peripneumonies. The second edotion. Lomdon (printed for S. Austen) 1750.
8:o. (3), iv-xvi, (1)-288 pp.
Contemporary brown calf, worn, gilt frame on covers, cracks in upper joint, gilt spine in six compartments, some damage at head. Margins of title, prelims and final gathering browned in the margins. Signature on title "E libris S. Ingham", also stamped "Sv. Läkare Sällskapet", signature on first endpaper Joh. Lindhult. Duplicate label on inside of upper cover. And one more. 2 volumes.
One more is: Huxham: Essai sur les fievres... (Paris 1765).
At the end of the essay on fevers in the first book is appended his Method for preserving the Health of Seamen in long Cruises and Voyages.