Burman´s edition of Phaedrus 1726 and 1727
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PHAEDRUS. BURMAN, Petrus (Ed.) Phaedri, Augusti Liberti, fabularum aesopiarum libri quinque. Cum novo
commentario Petri Burmanni. Leyden, Samuelem Luchtmans, 1727.
4:o. Engraved extra title, (49), (1 blank), 263, (49), 93 pp. Title printed in red and black. Some spotting and browning. Bound together with:
BURMAN, Petrus. Epistola ad Claudium Capperonnerium, theologum licentiatum, diaconum Ambianensem, &, graecae linguae professorem, De nova ejus M. Fabii Quintiliani, De institutione oratoria editione. Leyden, Samuelem Luchtmans,1726.
4:o. (8),+ 102,+ (1) pp.
Contemporary full calf binding, worn, spine gilt with raised bands and red label, top worn, some damages, hinges partly cracked, all edges red marbled, front fly-leaves loose. Old booplate "Zur Kaiserl. Königl. Ingenieurs-Academie gehörig".
Important edition with new comments by Burman and with a corrected text according to Bentley and Hare, but based on Burman´s second edition from 1718. With an appendix containing critical notes by Richard Bentley. A celebrated edition, according to Dibdin. The second work is an open letter by Burman and a critical examination of Capperonne´s edition of Quintillianus´ "Institutione orator", published in 1726, and especially concerning the latter´s notes on Quintillianus, which - according to Schweiger II, p. 844-5 (and Burman) - are quite worthless , "... in welchem Briefe mancher gegrundete Tadel enthalten ist". It´s also a response to the criticism Capperonne is giving to Burman´s own edition of Quintilianus from 1720.
See text