OS London 1908 Inbjudningar Sportmemorabilia
Klubbat belopp | 6 600 SEK |
Utropspris | 4 000 SEK |
1) COMPETITOR´S CARD, Landberg S, Sweden, 20x11,5 cm. 2) GYMNASTICS Team Competitors Card, Landberg Sweden, Day of competition Wednesday 15 july, Time of competition 4 pm, 14,5x11 cm.
3) BANQUET (meny) to Olympic Competitors and Officials at the Holborn Restaurant London, The King´s Hall, Thursday 16th July, 1908, med autografer, ca 18x22 cm (totalmått)
4) INBJUDAN: Lord Desborough and the Members of the British Olympic Council Request the pleasure of the Company of Mr S Landberg at a Reception of the Athletes taking part in the Olympic Games at the Grafton Galleries, Bond Street W., on Saturday, July 11 th, from 9 to 12 pm, ca 11,5x13,5 cm
5) INBJUDAN: To meet the International Olympic Committe, the British Olympic Council, ande the Athletes and Officials taking part in the Olympic Games. The Lord Mayor and The Lady Mayoress request the honour of the company of Mr S.Landberg at at Reception on Monday, July 13 th, from nine to Twelve o´clock, The Mansion House London, ca 12x17 cm.
6) DELTAGAR-ID: No 89, SVERIGES OLYMPISKA KOMMITTÉ 1908/THE SWEDISH OLYMPIC COMMITTEE 1908, Härmed intygas att Mr S.Landberg är deltagare uti den trupp af idrottsmän och gymaster, som af Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté utsetts att representera Sverige vid de Olympiska Spelen i London 1908, Stockholm June 25 th 1908. Adress: Scandinavia Home West India Docks, London., 8x10,5 cm.
7) BREFKORT, Gymnastikuppvisning Stockholm Stadion, 1912
PROVENIENS: Den svenske olympiern Sven Landberg (1888-1962). OS-guldmedaljör i truppgymnastik i London 1908 samt i Stockholm 1912.
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