OS Stockholm 1912 deltagarnålar Sportmemorabilia
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2 800 SEK
2 500 SEK
OLYMPISKA SPELEN STOCKHOLM 1912: Deltagarnålar, 2 st., vitmetall, Sporrong, 1 nål fäst på papperslapp med skrift Sven Landberg samt Deltag.nr 152, 1 nål i ask.
1 BREFKORT medföljer "Från Stadions invigning 1912, Strömhopp vid Gymnastikuppvisningen". DEN FEMTE OLYMPIADEN. Olympiska spelen i Stockholm 1912 i bild och ord. Red. S. Hermelin. Stockholm 1912. Rikt illustrerad. Brunt originalklotband.
PROVENIENS: Den svenske olympiern Sven Landberg (1888-1962). OS-guldmedaljör i truppgymnastik i London 1908 samt i Stockholm 1912.
The Badges for the Officials and Competitors 1912:
On the 14 November, 1910, the Swedish Olympic Committee accepted for the badge to be given to the officials and competitors present at the Games, a design by Erik Lindberg, representing the head of Pallas Athene, adorned with the Three Crowns of Sweden. The plinth bore the following inscription in Swedish: "The Olympic Games of Stockholm, 1912". About 5,000 examples of the badge were struck in oxidized silver-plated metal.
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