Klubbat belopp | 850 SEK |
Utropspris | 1 500 SEK |
LINNAEUS. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Flora Svecica, exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciæ crescentes, systematice,... Editio secunda aucta et emendata. Stockholm (L. Salvius) 1755.
8vo. 20 x 14 cm. (4), (I)-XXXII, (1)-464, (30) pp. 1 folding engraved plate, Linnaea borealis.
Contemporary vellum with hand-written title on spine and sprinkled edges. Markings with pencil in margins. Old owner´s signature and exlibris of Börje F. Jalar on front fly leaf..
Soulsby 409. Hulth 44.
Second original edition, lists 1296 plants, 56 more than in the first edition.