Linnaeus Genera plantarum 1742
Klubbat belopp | 1 500 SEK |
Utropspris | 2 000 SEK |
LINNÉ, CARL VON. Genera plantarum eorumque characteres naturales secundum numerum, figuram, situm, & proportionem omnium fructificationes partium. Editio secunda aucta et emendata. Lugduni Batavorum (C. Wishoff et G. J. Wishoff, fil Conr.) 1742.
8:o. (8), I-XVI, 17, XVIII-XIX, (1 blank), 21-42, 1-527, (1), (24) pp. 1 folding printed table (Clavis classicum, foxed), 1 folding engraved plate (Caroli Linnæi classes s. literæ, minor spots).
Contemporary vellum, worn, partly warped covers, spine and upper cover defective in upper part. Minor foxing.
Soulsby 297.
With the often missing 2 leaves "Privilegie de Staeten van Holland en West-Vriesland".
From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl (1941-2013).
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