Linné - Celsius on the flora of Upland
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UPPLANDS FLORA. (CELSIUS, OLOF DEN ÄLDRE - LINNÉ, CARL VON). Plantarum circa Upsaliam spontè nascentium catalogus. Extract from Acta Literaria et Scientiarum Sveciae, 3, 1732. Upsaliae (sumptibus Gedofredi Kiesewetteri) no date (1735), pp. 9-44.
Small 4:o. Taken out of binding.
For several decades Celsius had worked on a Flora Uplandica, but it was not until 1729 that the work on the final version started, in collaboration with Linnaeus, who as a young student, aged 22, made the acquaintance of Celsius in that year.
The present catalogue is however all that has hitherto been published of the work (except for material enclosed by Linnaeus in his works and for a supplement in KVAH, 1740).
Krok, p. 118, Otto Gertz, " Olof Celsius d.ä. och Glora Uplandica", in Svenska Linné-sällskapets årsskrift, 3, 1920, p. 36-51.
From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl (1941-2013).
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