Gazette du Bon Ton 1920-tal 50 st Modeplanscher
Klubbat belopp | 5 600 SEK |
Utropspris | 6 000 SEK |
MODEPLANSCHER - GAZETTE DU BON TON. Art-modes & frivolités. modeplanscher bla Barbier, Benito, Marty, Brissaud, omkring 1920-22, ca 50 st, litografier/pochoir mm, ca 25x19,5 cm.
This famous French fashion brochure was published between 1912-25 with a hiatus during World War I between 1914-1919. It sought to be " the place where couturiers and painters collaborate to compose the silhouette of their time" (Henri Bidou, Avant-Propos in La Gazette, 3e année, No 1).
Plates by Benito, Robert Bonfils, André Marty, R. Dufy etc.
Oramade, gulnader, fläckar