Entomology, 5 vol.
Klubbat belopp | 1 900 SEK |
Utropspris | 2 000 SEK |
ENTOMOLOGY (5). SAINT-AMANS, JEAN-FLORIMOND BOUDON DE. Philosophie entomologique, ouvrage qui renferme les généralités nécessaires pour s´initier dans l´étude des Insectes, et des aperçus sur les rapports naturels de ces petits animaux avec les autres êtres organisés, suivi de l´exposition des méthodes de Geoffroi, et de celle Linné combinée avec le système de Fabricius... Agen, Rd. Noubel, an VII (1798/-99).
8vo. 206 x 129 mm. VIII, 152, (1) pp. Later half cloth.
Letters on Entomology, Intended for the Amusement and Instruction of Young Persons, and to Facilitate their Acquiring a Knowledge of the Natural History of Insects. London, printed for Geo. B. Whittaker, 1825.
12mo. 176 x 109 mm. (6), 160 pp. 3 coulor plates. Worn contemporary half calf. Foxing.
CHADOUR & HOCHHUTH. Enumeration des carabaiques et hydrocanthares... Kiev, J. Wallner, 1846.
8vo. 238 x 156 mm. 268 pp. Worn red half calf. Some foxing, dampstains towards end, library stamps.
BALY, JOSEPH S. Catalogue of Hispidae in the Collectio of the British Museum. Part I. London, 1858.
8vo. 228 x 148 mm. X, 172, (12), 8 pp. 9 lithographed plates. Contemporary cloth. Head of spine worn. Minor stains and foxing. Library stamp on title.
MERRIN, JOSEPH. The Lepidopterist´s Calendar: Giving the Time when the British Lepidoptera Appear in the Egg, Larval, Pupal, and Imago States, with the Food-Plant, and Habitat. Second Edition. Enlarged and Corrected to the Present Time. Gloucester, Herbert Marsden, 1875.
8vo. 187 x 130 mm. (6), 240 pp. Interleaved. Slightly worn publisher´s green cloth. Some underlinings and notes. Owners´ signatures.
5 volumes in all.
See text!