Miscellaneaous works by Linnaeus, 23 vol.
Klubbat belopp | 400 SEK |
Utropspris | 1 500 SEK |
MISCELLANEOUS WORKS BY LINNAEUS (23). From the collection of Björn Löwendahl. ÄHRLING, EWALD (ed.). Carl von Linnés ungdomsskrifter. I-II. Stockholm, 1888, LINDFORS, A. O. (publ.). Linnés dietetik... Uppsala, 190 2 copies.7, LÖNNBERG, EINAR (publ. Linnés föreläsningar öfver djurriket... Uppsala, 1913, GRANSTRÖM, G. A. (publ.). Caroli Linnaei Vulcanus docimasticus Fahlun 1734... Uppsala, 1925. 6 copies, UGGLA, ARVID HJ. (publ.). Caqroli Linnaei Diaeta natuyralis 1733. Linnés tankar om ett naturenligt levnadssätt. Uppsala, 1958, ÄHRLING EWALD (publ.). Caroli Linnaei Flora Dalekarlica... Örebro, 1873. 3 copies, LOVÉN, SVEN (ed.). On the Species Echinoidea Described by Linnaeus in his Work Museum Ludovicae Ulricae. Stockholm, 1887, 4 titles from the bicentenary 1907, published by Uppsala university.
23 volumes (a few in duplicate) in all, not collated. All but Ährling sewn as issued. Damage to covers and other defects occur.
From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl (1941-2013).
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