Loccenius on Roman law 1639
Klubbat belopp | 4 400 SEK |
Utropspris | 5 000 SEK |
LOCCENIUS ON ROMAN LAW 1639. LOCCENIUS, JOHANNES. Exercitationes juris, in quibus praeter aliarum gentium leges, cum jure Suecano jus Romanum pro instituti ratione brevitas ac succinctes confertur et quoties opus videtur, ad normam juris divini revocatur. Uppsala, Aeschill M[atthiae]., 1639.
Small 4to. 185 x 149 mm. (127) leaves (last leaf blank). Title with woodcut frame. Contemporary vellum with hand-written title on spine. Paper repair with loss of one letter in lower corner of leaf E3, incision in margin of leaf O1. Some underlinings and notes with ink, minor stains. Owner´s signature of Gustavus Persson [=Gustaf Persson (Natt och Dag)], dated 1640 on title. Bookplates of Melcher Falkenberg and Kurt Winberg respectively, and owner´s signature af J. E. Almquist on front board inside.
Fine copy of the first edition of Loccenius´s first major legal work.
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