Origenes Adamantius Opera I-II 1512
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ORIGENES ADAMANTIUS. Operum tomi duo priores cum tabulia & indice generali, proxime sequentibus. Venu[n]da[n]tur cu[m] duobus reliquis eoru[n]de[m] tomis in edibus Joannis Parvi: et Jodoci Badij Ascensij... (I-II of 4). No place (Paris, Jean Petit) or year (1512).
Folio (about 330x225 mm.). (32), I-CXC, I-CLVII ll. Title printed in red and black with metal cut printer´s device within metalcut figurative renaissance border. Many metalcut initials. Text printed in 2 columns.
Contemporary brown blindtooled leather binding over wooden boards, partly worn and renovated, 2 clasps (one loose) and brass fittings, spine rebacked in five compartments, small damage at head. New inner doublures and endpapers. At beginning and at end in inner part vellum pieces from a medieval manuscript.
A few leaves torn in the margins with slight loss of paper. Chapter divisors (worn) in outer margins. Some old underlinings and marginal annotations. Minor foxing. Inscribed in upper margin of title: "Bibliothecae Missionis Amsteleodamensis ord: ff: min:...:". Some older library stamps on title and a few leaves. Bookplate (on inside of lower board), library stamp of Roman Kaczmar. Rare first edition.
From the library of Roman Kaczmar.
See text