Aemylius History of France 1548
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AEMYLIUS (EMILI), PAULUS (PAOLO) - (DU TILLET, JEAN). (2). Pauli Aemylii Veronensis de rebus gestis Francorum libri X. Chronicon de iisdem regibus, a Pharamundo usque ad Henricum II. Paris (Audoënum Paruum - Vascosanum) 1548.
8:o (about 166x105 mm.). (8), 9-242, 243-506, (88) ff. Title with woodcut printers device.
Contemporary brown richly blindtooled calf, somewhat worn, rebacked gilt spines in five compartmentsspeckled edges, later inner doublures and endpapers. Minor foxing. Some minor marginal dampstaining. A few marginal annotations, contemporary annotations on last leaf verso. Bookplate of Roman Kaczmar. 2 volumes.
A history of France from the beginning of the monarchy, written by Paolo Emili of Verona (1460-1529) on demand of the French king Louis XII. First publishe in 1520.
The other work mentioned on the title "Chronicon..." was written by Jean du Tillet (dead 1570), bishop of St. Brieux and Meaux.
From the library of Roman Kaczmar.
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