Dahlberg´s Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna c. 1660-1718
Klubbat belopp | 36 000 SEK |
Utropspris | 25 000 SEK |
DAHLBERG, ERIK. Suecia antiqua et hodierna. I-III + Index. Stockholm, c. 1660-1718.
Oblong folio (c. 400x510 mm). 354 engraved plates (including the extra plate Templum Ulricae Eleonorae, clean plates, only some minor foxing to some plates, some repairs to some plates [Stockholm with minor repaired tear). Title, text and most plates cut to platemark and inset in later (19th century) paper. Fine impressions. With the 13-page index at the end.
19th century full calf binding, inner gilt dentelles, partly worn and rubbed, covers partly warped, lower with dampspots, inner joints reinforced, richly gilt slightly faded spine in compartments with red and green title labels, repairs upper part of spine and to lower edge, gilt edges (bound by Carl G. Winberg???). Signature on endpapers Jonas Franchell. Note to endpaper "Denna bok är inbunden på bokbindaren Carl G. Winbergs Wärkstad".
Together with: (LAGERLÖÖF, PETRUS & HERMELIN, OLOF. Suecia antiqua et hodierna...). Texten till Suecia antiqua et hodierna arken A-O. Paginerade 1-104, 125-132 [=omslagstitel]. (Stockholm, Niclas Wankijf, 1698-1701).
Folio. C:a 380 x 245 mm (some smaller). 104, 125-132 s. In later worn printed wrapper.
Collijn, Sveriges Bibliografi, 1600-talet, col. 197. Berlin Kat. 1, 2256, Brunet V 578, Lipperheide 1037, Klemming, Ur en antecknares samlingar, Uppsala 1880-82, pp. 165-8. Sten G. Lindberg, Swedish Books, 37.
One of the most important topographical and architectural works on Sweden by the architect and military engineer Erik Dahlberg. This magnificient work is illustrated with amongs others 3 titles, portraits of kings Charles XI and XII, author´s portrait by S. Blesendorff, maps (i.a. "Veteris orbis arctoi typus" and "Nova et accurata orbis arctoi tabula geographica"), coat-of-arms of Sweden, views of monuments, settlements, manors, fortifications, cities (Stockholm, Uppsala), castles, gardens, ancient relics, etc.
During his military service and studies in Germany, Erik Dahlberg (16251703) became acquainted with Matthaeus Merian the younger, the publisher of "Theatrum Europaeum" and the "Topographies". On his return to Sweden in 1661, Dahlberg obtained a privilege from the Government to make drawings for a similar publication. The engravings for this work were executed from these drawings by a total of 18 artists except for a few, which were based on drawings by David Klöcker Ehrenstrahl and Elias Brenner.
The project began in 1667 and the plates were engraved by many contemporary well-known European artists, Jean Marot, A. Perelle, Joh. Jacob von Sandrart, Lepautre, Dionysius Padtbrugge, E. Reitz, W. Swidde, J. van Aveelen, etc.
See text