Ricchieri´s Lectionum antiquarum... 1542
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RICCHIERI (RHODIGINUS), LODOVICO. Lodouici Caelii Rhodigini Lectionum antiquarum libri 30. Recogniti ab auctore, atque ita locupletati, ut tertia plus parte auctiores sint redditi: qui ob omnifariam abstrusarum & reconditiorum tam rerum quàm uocum explicationem ... meritò cornucopiæ, seu thesaurus vtriusque linguæ appellabuntur, quòd in quocunque studiorum genere, non minor ipsorum, quàm ingentis bibliothecæ, aut complurium commentariorum, possit esse usus. Index est additus, in quo nihil desideres. Basileae (Hier. Frobenium et Nicol. Episcopium) 1542.
Folio (about 335x230 mm.). (260), 1-1182, (2) pp. Title and last page with woodcut printer´s device, nice woodcut initials.
Contemporary blindtooled pigskin over wooden boards, somewhat worn, on upper board the initials GCG and year 1638 in black, lacks clasps and fittings, spine in five compartments with manuscript title. Minor foxing. Old annotation on inside of lower cover. Title with small hole and partly erased signature, also stamped " Gymnasium Luccaviense".
VD 16 R 2165.
Caelius Rhodiginus (born Lodovico Ricchieri, 1469 -1525) was a Venetian writer, and professor in Greek and Latin. His principal work was the Antiquarum Lectionum in sixteen books published in 1516 in Venice at the Aldine Press. It was a collection of notes on the classics and general topics. Rhodiginus continued to collect materials towards producing a new edition, and the book was posthumously expanded to thirty books and published under the editorship of his nephew Camillo Ricchieri and G. M. Goretti in 1542 at Basle. (Wikipedia).
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