Elzevir editio of Erasmus of Rotterdam
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ELZEVIR EDITION OF ERASMUS OF ROTTERDAM. ERASMUS DESIDERIUS, GERRIT. Adagiorum d. Erasmi Roterodami epitome. Editio novissima, ab infinitis ferè mendis, quibus caetera scatebant, repurgata, nonnullisque in locis adaucta, uti praefatio ad lectorem indicat. Cum triplici indice, authorum, locorum & proverbiorum locupletissimo. Amsterdam, Ludvig Elzevir, 1650.
12mo. 136 x 71 mm. (24), 622, (72) pp. Title printed with red and black. Contemporary vellum with hand-written title on spine. A clean copy. Old owner´s signature on title, exlibris of Christoffer Eichhorn on front board inside.
Berghman 1337. Willems 1109. First Elzevir edition.
See text!