Stockholm Sommar-OS 1912 Sport
Klubbat belopp | 46 000 SEK |
Utropspris | 45 000 SEK |
STOCKHOLM 1912 OLYMPISKA SPELEN, vinnarmedalj, förgyllt silver, design Erik Lindberg och Bertram Mackennal, Vaughton, CC Sporrong, motiv av en byst av Ling (gymnastikens fader), 200 ex i förgyllt silver, ca 18 gram, diameter ca 33 cm
PROVENIENS: Otto Järnulfs samling
Motif: Reverse: The figure of a herald, proclaiming the Olympic Games and standing close to a bust of Ling, the founder of the Swedish system of gymnastics.
Obverse: Two female figures crowning a young victor in the Olympic Games,
The first prize in individual events was to consist of a gold medal, but in team events, of a silver-gilt medal for each member of the team, the second prize, for all competitions, was a silver medal, and, for the third prize, a bronze medal. Gild Silver: 200 examples.
Källa: www.olympic-museum.de