S:t Jerome of Stridon 1562
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S:T JEROME OF STRIDON 1562. HIERONYMUS / CANISIUS, PETRUS (ed.). Epistolae B. Hieronymi Stridonensis eloquentissimi & praestantissimi ecclesiae doctoris, in libros treis distributae. Nunc primum opera D. Petri Canisij selectae, magnoq. studio in ordinem redactae, ut & commodè iam circumferri, & ad communem scholarum usum utiliter accommodari possint. Accessit elogii vice proximè à praefatione, Matthaei Galeni Vestcappellij panegyricus B. Hieronymo, Dilingae 1559. Pridie Calend. Octob. dictus. Dillingen, Sebald Mayer, 1562.
8vo. 154 x 100 mm. (48), 485, (3 blank, 1), 486-787, (1) pp. Woodcut illustrations and initials (3 rather coarsely hand-coloured). Contemporary tooled pigskin with brass clasps, handwritten paper label on spine, hand-written signum on top edge. Some minor stains. Old annotations and drawings with ink in margins. Loss of paper lower corner p. 57, no loss of print. Owners´ signatures on front board inside and on title.
Petrus Canisius (1521-1597) was a German jesuit and defender of catholicism against the reformation. His edition of Jerome was part of that program.
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