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Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order

Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order
Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order
Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order
Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order
Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order
Erasmus Alberus satire on the Franciscan order

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1 600 SEK


3 000 SEK


L´Alcoran des Cordeliers. Tant en Latin qu´en François. C´est a dire, recueil des plus notables bourdes & blasphemes de ceux qui ont osé comparer Sainct François à Jesus Christ: tiré du grand liure des conformitez, jadis composé par frere Barthelemi de Pise, Cordelier en son viunat. Nouvelle edition ornée de figures dessinées par B. Picart. I-II. Amsterdam (aux depens de la Compagnie) 1734.

8:o. 22 engraved plates (all, including 2 frontispieces, one plate folding). 2 titles printed in red and black.
Uncut in contemporary marbled wrappers, worn, faded partly damaged spines, defective spine labels. 2 volumes.

Erasmus Alberus (c. 1500 - 5 May 1553) was a German humanist, Lutheran reformer, and poet.
In 1518 he found his way to the University of Wittenberg, where he studied theology. He had the good fortune to attract the attention of Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, and subsequently became one of Luther´s most active helpers in the Protestant Reformation.
Not only did he fight for the Protestant cause as a preacher and theologian, but he was almost the only member of Luther´s party who was able to confront the Roman Catholics with the weapon of literary satire. In 1542 he published a prose satire to which Luther wrote the preface, Der Barfusser Monche Eulenspiegel und Alkoran, a parodic adaptation of the Liber conformitatum of the Franciscan Bartolommeo Rinonico of Pisa, in which the Franciscan order is held up to ridicule.(Wikipedia).

From the library of Swedish antiquarian bookdealer Björn Löwendahl (1941-2013).


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