Linacre on Latin composition 1559
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LATIN COMPOSITION. LINACRE, THOMAS. De emendata structura Latini Sermones libri VI, cum indicatione locorum unde exempla ab autore adducta suerunt... Accessit libellus eiusdem Camerarij de arte Grammatuica, & figuris dictionum. Lipsiae (in officina haeredum Valentini Papae) 1559.
Small 8:o (about 158x100 mm.). (24), (1)-553, (149, last blank) pp. Some nice woodcut initials.
Contemporary blindstamped (figurative) vellum, worn, spine in six compartments, some mendings in upper part. One leaf with hole and loss of some letters. Faint dampstaining in lower margin. At end large brownspot in lower outer corner. A few marginal annotations. Some inkstains. Old (mostly contemporary) annotations on inside of boards and endpapers, also many signatures. Signatures on title of Laurentius Asmundi and Johannis Olai Mundensis and one more.
First published in London in 1524 and many times reprinted on the continent of Europe.
Thomas Linacre (or Lynaker) (c. 1460 -1524) was an English humanist scholar and physician (to Henry VIII), after whom Linacre College, Oxford and Linacre House The King´s School, Canterbury are named. He was one of the first Englishmen to study Greek in Italy, and brought back to his native country and his own university the lessons of the "New Learning". His teachers were some of the greatest scholars of the day. Among his pupils was one-Erasmus-whose name alone would suffice to preserve the memory of his instructor in Greek, and others of note in letters and politics, such as Sir Thomas More, Prince Arthur and Queen Mary I of England. (Wikipedia).
From the library of Roman Kaczmar
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