Nanni´s Antiquitatum Italiae 1552
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NANNI, GIOVANNI. (Johan Viterbensis). Berosi sacerdotis chaldaici, antiqvitatum Italiae ac totius orbis libri quinque, commentarijs Ioannis Annij Viterbensis... Aeditio ultima, caeteris longe castigatior. Antwerpen (J. Steelsius) 1552.
Small 8vo (165x96 mms). (48), 748, (44, last blank) pp. Title with printer´s device in woodcut (soiled and stained, inner corner repaired, small marginal repair, on verso the letters AB.
Contemporary full calf, later renovated spine in compartments, damaged at top, covers slightly warped, red edges. Partly dampstained and soiled, last few pages (index) at the end soiled and inkstained at corners, 1 mended with paperloss and loss of some letters. Bookplate of Roman Kaczmar.
First edition published in Rome 1498 with a slightly different title.
Annius of Viterbo (Latin: Joannes Annius Viterb(i)ensis, c.?1432 - 13 November 1502) was an Italian Dominican friar, scholar, and historian, born Giovanni Nanni (Nenni) in Viterbo. He is now remembered for his fabrications. He is best known for his Antiquitatum Variarum, originally titled the Commentaria super opera diversorum auctorum de antiquitatibus loquentium (Commentaries on the Works of Various Authors Discussing Antiquity) and often known as the Antiquities of Annius. In this work, he published alleged writings and fragments of several pre-Christian Greek and Latin profane authors, destined to throw an entirely new light on ancient history. He claimed to have discovered them at Mantua.
From the library of Roman Kaczmar.
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