De Parival´s history of the 17th century
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DE PARIVAL´S HISTORY OF THE 17TH CENTURY. PARIVAL, JEAN-NICOLAS DE. Abregé de l´histoire de ce siecle de fer. Contenant les miseres et calamitez des derniers temps, , auec leurs causes & pretextes, iusques au couronnement du roy des romains Ferdinand IV fait vers la fin de l´esté de l´an, mil six cens cinquante-trois. Leiden, 1654.
8vo. 170 x 107 mm. (24), 592 pp. Creased, yellowed and somewhat worn contemporary vellum. Recurring faint damp, some minor stains and tears. Worming in margins pp. 281-332 and 525-558. Small holes in margins of last leaf.
Deals mainly with the 30 years´ war. Some passages on Sweden´s participation.
See text!